• A Guide to Healthy Cultured and Fermented Foods

    A Guide to Choosing Healthy Fermented & Cultured Foods Cultured, or naturally fermented foods are very traditional foods, having been consumed by our ancestors throughout the ages Vegetables (sauerkraut, kimchi, etc), fruits (chutneys and preserved fruits), beverages (water kefir, kombucha, beet kvass, etc), grains (sourdough bread), dairy products (dairy kefir, yogurt, crème fraiche, sour cream,

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  • A Guide to Choosing Healthy Meats

    A Guide to Choosing Healthy Meats Choose meat that has been raised locally and sustainably, without the use of hormones or antibiotics, and from animals eating their native, species-appropriate diet. If you cannot find grass-finished meat, grass-fed/grain-finished meat can be substituted, but is not optimal. Beef, bison/buffalo and lamb should be grass-fed and grass-finished, not

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  • A Guide to Choosing Healthy Eggs

    A Guide to Choosing Healthy Eggs Purchase eggs from pastured hens raised locally- from small farms or even a friend’s backyard flock. Or, raise your own chickens! Pastured chickens have access to the outdoors, sunlight and pasture or grass. They eat not only grass, but grubs, worms and bugs and generally these chickens do not

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